March House of Reps Update

Update on WSA’s House of Representatives:

Throughout the previous month, your WSA House of Representatives have worked hard by passing University Bill #2021 – 15 (A bill written by VP Poole that updates the tracking and rewards system for volunteers within the WSA), passing Spending Bill #2021 – 02 (A bill written by VP Effinger that requests WSA to purchase 12 pairs of snowshoes for the outdoor recreational use of you, the students), hearing the words of various speakers from the college and community, and most importantly representing their RSO’s in any way they can! If you or your RSO are interested in gaining representation within the WSA, please see our website HERE!

If you have any questions regarding what the House of Representatives does for the WSA and it’s Broncos, please feel free to join the Speaker of the House, Shayna Krawczyk, in her office hours from 10-12 EST every Monday morning. You can also visit the Secretary of the House, Collin Holzberger, in his office hours from 11-1 EST every Monday! The Zoom links for these meetings will be included below.

As the sun begins to shine a little longer and the snow seems to fade away, we wish all Broncos a safe and productive Spring!

Your House Leadership,

House Speaker Shayna Krawczyk (she/her/hers)
Virtual Meeting Room

House Secretary Collin Holzberger (he/him/his )
Virtual Meeting Room


April House of Reps Update


Introduction Update