April House of Reps Update

Update on WSA’s House of Representatives:

Hello WMU Family! 

We would love to offer you all another update on what the House of Representatives has been up to this month! Throughout the month of March, your WSA House Reps passed the following legislation: University Bill 2021-015 (Election Holiday Bill; Trying to establish election day a campus holiday so we can all get out and vote without punishment), University Bill 2021-016 (Student Resource Emergency Fund), University Bill 2021-017(theLEGACY Establishment), University Bill 2021-018 (Audio Equipment for FREE RSO rental), and House Resolution 2021-001 (Establishment of the International Students Committee). We are so beyond proud of all the work our House Reps do each and every week! That being said, if you are a part of an RSO and wish to become a member of our amazing team, please see our website HERE!  

We are winding down this semester and want to take a second to wish our seniors a warm congratulations on finishing strong and offer them the best of luck in their future endeavors. This year was like no other and you all made it! Finish strong and be proud of all you have done! 

If you have any questions regarding what the House of Representatives does for the WSA and it’s Broncos, please feel free to join the Speaker of the House, Shayna Krawczyk, in her office hours from 10-12 every Monday morning. You can also visit the Secretary of the House, Collin Holzberger, in his office hours from 11-1 every Monday! The Zoom links for these meetings will be included below. 

Our best from your House Leadership, 

House Speaker Shayna Krawczyk (she/her/hers)
Virtual Meeting Room

House Secretary Collin Holzberger (he/him/his )
Virtual Meeting Room


March House of Reps Update