Western Student Association

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Post Election Statement

The Western Student Association (WSA) would like to recognize all of the members of the Western Michigan University (WMU) community who exercised their right to vote in the 2020 Election. From first time voters to those who have made it a lifelong habit, we commend you for making your voice heard and participating in our democracy. Due to your participation, we have seen a 12.6% increase in voter turnout in Kalamazoo County since 2016 and historic levels of youth voter turnout across the state of Michigan and the entire country. Despite the unprecedented circumstances of an election during a global pandemic, you prioritized your most important right and responsibility as a citizen, and that is worth celebrating.

We also recognize that there are many aspects of this election that you may not feel are worthy of celebration. Whether that is the uncertainty you felt awaiting the results, mixed emotions about the outcome, or fear surrounding the clear division within our country that this election illustrated, we hear you. We want you to know that however you are feeling right now, those feelings are valid, and they can be a powerful catalyst for what you do next. As you continue to process this election and consider your next steps in civic engagement, remember to take care of yourself and the people around you. If you are looking for support resources, please visit https://wmich.edu/vote/post-election-support. Civic engagement can be emotionally and physically taxing, but it is necessary for our democracy to function and progress. So, we must come together and support each other, for there is no one better than us, our country's future leaders, to lead the charge.

Over the last few years, students have been at the forefront of civic engagement in America, from demonstrations and protests to the strategic use of social media, to getting out to vote. Young people are making a difference, and we cannot lose our momentum just because the election is over. With this in mind, WSA has created a list of objectives to help WMU students stay engaged with politics and our community and continue fighting for the causes that matter most to us.

In the coming weeks, WSA and our Senate Political Affairs Committee will be working to:

  • Reaffirm that WMU is a safe and welcoming place for people of all identities, viewpoints, and backgrounds. We will create spaces for civil discourse to address the challenges of viewpoint diversity while ensuring that all students feel comfortable sharing their opinions in a way that respects and does not harm other members of our community.

  • Engage with our newly elected leaders and hold them accountable to our needs. We will educate students on the best practices for contacting elected officials to advocate for causes that matter to us.

  • Create a running list of community organizations that students can engage and volunteer with to contribute to causes and issues that impact our city.

  • Organize events and lectures to better educate ourselves on democracy and the democratic process so we can fully understand our political system and why our government and our country has come to function in the way that it does.

If you have any thoughts or are interested in getting involved with these initiatives, please reach out to Emma Baratta, WSA VP for Political Affairs, at wsa-vppolitical@wmich.edu.